Business Standard

Monday, February 03, 2025 | 09:13 AM ISTEN Hindi

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Untested Covid control

Will the strategy of society instead of the State controlling the virus be tested by rising deaths?

Illustration by Binay Sinha

Illustration by Binay Sinha

Neelkanth Mishra
“Countries would be assessed on State capacity,” said a New York-based investor who specialises in trading on macroeconomic trends. This was in early April: We were discussing the prospects for developed and developing economies amidst the growing pandemic. By State capacity he meant the general government’s (union, state and municipal) ability to control the virus, as well as manage the economic cost that came with it. What he feared was that in emerging markets, such as Brazil, India and Indonesia, the size of the State is too small to first enforce the lockdown, then manage the calibrated opening up, and
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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