Shatrughan Sinha, veteran actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Lok Sabha MP from Patna Sahib in Bihar, has been supping with his party's rivals. Earlier, Sinha met Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and posted a series of tweets proclaiming his admiration for the man. Some days later, he had a dinner meeting with Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and his close lieutenants. He was also critical of Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, who suspended 25 Congress MPs for disorderly conduct. On Friday, he tweeted that no one should hurt the pride of the people of Bihar. It, seemingly, endorsed the Bihar CM's criticism of Prime Minister Narendra Modi for bringing up the "CM's DNA" in one of his speeches. While Sinha deleted the tweet in no time, the party has informally asked its MPs to stay away from him. Even during the monsoon session of Parliament, ruling alliance MPs were careful not to interact with or be seen with Sinha. The actor also added grist to rumour mills by chatting with Opposition MPs.