Business Standard

Year-end dilemma: Hold or fold?

It will depend on an investor's view of the long-term potential of the economy

long term investments

Illustration: Binay Sinha

Akash Prakash
As we come to the end of the year, all investors need to re-examine their portfolio and asset allocation. Do they have too much in equities? Is tech too large a weightage? Is this the year to make the shift from US assets to emerging markets (EMs)? Will investors in India be raising cash for the stream of upcoming initial public offerings? All are valid questions, and all need debate and discussion.

A similar question that is on the mind of global investors is what to do with India? The markets have done surprisingly well over the last two years, rising
Disclaimer: These are personal views of the writer. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or the Business Standard newspaper

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