The regulator has asked companies to make money from the insurance business. Your views?
Bhargav Dasgupta: If you look at the last 11-year performance of the industry since pricing was freed, the compound annual growth has been roughly 17 per cent. The industry was about Rs 29,000 crore in 2008, and became Rs 1.7 trillion in 2019. So, from the top line, we have grown well at a time when pricing actually collapsed in quite a few segments, particularly in the corporate line of business.
What is even more remarkable is that you made up underwriting losses but
Bhargav Dasgupta: If you look at the last 11-year performance of the industry since pricing was freed, the compound annual growth has been roughly 17 per cent. The industry was about Rs 29,000 crore in 2008, and became Rs 1.7 trillion in 2019. So, from the top line, we have grown well at a time when pricing actually collapsed in quite a few segments, particularly in the corporate line of business.
What is even more remarkable is that you made up underwriting losses but