If you are planning to undertake a year-end review of your investment portfolio, don’t forget to carry out a similar exercise for your insurance portfolio as well. In particular, scrutinise your term and health insurance covers thoroughly as they are vital for ensuring your family’s financial well-being.
More responsibilities, higher coverage
Ensure that the sum insured on your term cover is adequate. “It should equal at least 10 times the net annual income so that even in case of the breadwinner’s untimely demise the family has income coming in for at least a decade,” says Kapil Mehta, co-founder
More responsibilities, higher coverage
Ensure that the sum insured on your term cover is adequate. “It should equal at least 10 times the net annual income so that even in case of the breadwinner’s untimely demise the family has income coming in for at least a decade,” says Kapil Mehta, co-founder