The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) today rubbished the allegations of former diplomat and its founding member Madhu Bhaduri that she was heckled at Friday's National Council meeting for introducing a resolution condemning Delhi Law Minister Somnath Bharti's midnight raid.
"Members were asked to ventilate their grievances, give suggestions for improvement of the party and Madhuiji also tried to put forth a point. She was even asked to come to podium and talk.
"But she was saying something which the party did not agree to and it was also not a part of the agenda of the National Council meeting. Therefore, she was asked to stop as others were waiting for their turn to speak," party spokesperson Dilip Pandey said.
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Bhaduri, a member of the party panel to chalk its foreign policy, had alleged she was heckled in the National Council meeting here when she tried to pass a resolution condemning Bharti's midnight raid in the Khirki extension.
"I'm not angry, but disappointed and disillusioned with the party. I am not concerned with whether Bharti would be removed or not, my only concern is humanity and that women are also human being... This party does not considered them as human being," she said.