The Delhi unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tuesday said the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was using activist Anna Hazare's name for their political benefits.
"They are using his (Hazare) name and clean image for their benefits. I am not making any allegations but Hazare has himself asked them (AAP) not to use his name," Delhi BJP president Vijay Goel said here.
Goel's statement comes a day after Hazare wrote a letter to Arvind Kejriwal of AAP, asking him not to use his name in AAP's poll campaigning, ahead of the Dec 4 Delhi assembly elections.
The AAP leader along with Hazare had held an anti-corruption campaign that gripped Delhi two years ago.
"Kejriwal always talks of honesty and transparency, then why is he using Hazare?" asked the BJP.