Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change Anil Madhav Dave passed away after a cardiac arrest on Thursday morning, aged 60. This followed a period of prolonged illness, through which Dave tried to keep up with work.
Polite, contained in his words and a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) man at heart and in mind, Dave had been chosen by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as minister in charge of the environment ministry in July last year. He had replaced Prakash Javadekar, who had been promoted to the rank of Cabinet minister in charge of the human resource development ministry.
Polite, contained in his words and a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) man at heart and in mind, Dave had been chosen by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as minister in charge of the environment ministry in July last year. He had replaced Prakash Javadekar, who had been promoted to the rank of Cabinet minister in charge of the human resource development ministry.