Accusing Jammu and Kashmir's ruling National Conference of misusing Article 370 to deny the state's people their benefits, the BJP Tuesday asked the party to stop misleading the people.
"The people of Jammu and Kashmir, in the name of Article 370 have been denied benefits which are otherwise due to them and are available to the citizens of this country," said Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman.
"Article 370 has been misused by a small privileged and influential section in Jammu and Kashmir to filter out all the progressive legislations from reaching Jammu and Kashmir," she added.
"Is it being used as a filter to keep away progressive legislation reaching the people of Jammu and Kashmir? I think it's time for the Congress and NC (National Conference) to tell the people who is misleading them?"
BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, addressing a rally in Jammu Sunday, had asked for a debate on Article 370 to decide whether it was helping the people in the state or not.
The Congress, National Conference as well as the People's Democratic Party (PDP) criticized Modi and asserted that Article 370 could not be repealed.
Sitharaman further said that the debate following Modi's mention had in fact highlighted the discrimination against women, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes in the state due to misuse of Article 370.