Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi today took a firm stand against the bureaucrats who tried to mislead him on the drought condition in the state. Replying to 'call attention motion' of Leader of Opposition in the state legislature, Nand Kishore Yadav, the CM said he felt anguish when he found out that he was wrongly briefed on the shortage of rainfall. "I held a meeting on Saturday on drought like situation in the state. There I was told that the situation is serious in only two districts, Buxar and Arwal. Whereas Bhojpur was said to be only partially affected by shortage of rainfall. I was told that the situation is normal in rest of the districts." However, a visit to a village near the state capital changed his perspective.
Referring to the official report on Patna district, Manjhi said during a visit to Dulhin Bazar, a village near Patna, he found the situation on the ground contrary to what the District Magistrate had said.