The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday said that Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Mulayam Singh Yadav is day-dreaming with his claims of formation of a Third Front after the 2014 general elections.
"Mulayam Singhji is a very senior politician and if he wants to do day-dreaming, I have absolutely no issue on that. And A B Bardhan represents a party whose vote share in the Indian politics is not even 3% or 4%, which qualified them to be a national party," said BJP Vice-President Balbir Punj.
"And if he thinks that he can carry on his politics in coming months...good luck to him," he added.
Reiterating that a Third Front will be formed after the polls, the Samajwadi Party supremo earlier in the day claimed the next prime minister will be from among the alliance partners.
"The Third Front formation is not possible now, as differences can crop up among parties on ticket distribution and seat sharing," he told media here.
Yadav said all political outfits of the proposed alliance will contest the elections on their own strength and then come together after the Lok Sabha polls.
"We feel that the Third Front government should come to power at the Centre. The country's next Prime Minister will be a Third Front candidate," he said, and added that the Samajwadi Party is in touch with CPI (M) leader Prakash Karat and CPI leader A B Bardhan over formation of Third Front after the general elections.