The month-old Yogi Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh is not only assiduously changing the work culture among the state policymakers and bureaucrats, but it has also started replicating and embracing the flagships themes of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
These themes, which include cashless economy, cleanliness, modern technology, and social media tools, have been espoused by Modi, who is also their biggest icon in the country.
Modi, who rubs shoulders with the top political leaders in the world and has an expansive social media footprint, has always supported leveraging social media platforms to reach out to the people and
These themes, which include cashless economy, cleanliness, modern technology, and social media tools, have been espoused by Modi, who is also their biggest icon in the country.
Modi, who rubs shoulders with the top political leaders in the world and has an expansive social media footprint, has always supported leveraging social media platforms to reach out to the people and