Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday categorically denied the reports of delaying an Air India flight and said that he would initiate criminal defamation proceedings in the matter.
"Enough is enough. Once I m back to India I will initiate proceedings of criminal defamation," Fadnavis said in a series of tweets.
"I reiterate, the reports of me delaying flight are misleading.
Infact when I'd already boarded how can I say I wont travel without delegation?
If at all any report has been submitted, states that I refused to travel without my delegation then it is a blatant lie
passengers sitting besides & behind me are witness that I was sitting quietly waiting for departure. Not even once I asked to offload me," he added.
Enough is enough. Once I m back to India I will initiate proceedings of criminal defamation.
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) July 2, 2015
The Prime Minister's Office has also sought a report from the Civil Aviation Ministry on the matter.
I reiterate,the reports of me delaying flight are misleading.Infact when I'd already boarded how can I say I wont travel without delegation?
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) July 2, 2015