Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today announced a slew of pro-farmer measures, including supply of uninterrupted electricity to help them during the Kuruvai (short-term) crop season which would entail an expenditure of Rs.32.95 crore to the state.
Chairing a meeting to review undertaking cultivation of paddy crop in the kuruvai season, Jayalalithaa ordered three phase uninterrupted electricity to farmers for 12 hours as in the previous two years, a statement said.
The release said 600-feet 'HDPE' pipes will be given to 7000 farmers under 100 per cent grant to channel water to farms from water bodies.
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Also, community nurseries will be set up to provide seedlings to farmers again under cent per cent subsidy, Jayalalithaa ordered.
Farm machinery will also be provided to 200 farm groups under 100 per cent grant besides farm inputs for one lakh acres under subsidy. Similarly, bio-fertilisers will be provided under grant.
The meeting also noted that opening Mettur Dam, where the water level was at 41.28 feet against the full level of 120 feet, for kuruvai crop was not possible due to poor storage levels. As per the Cauvery Tribunal's final verdict, Karnataka should release 10.16 TMC feet in June.
Even if the neighbouring state released 10 TMC, it would mean only 51.28 TMC in Mettur, it was noted in the meeting in which top officials also participated.