Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa today said it was her government, which sowed the seeds for the Chennai Metro Rail and dismissed claims of arch rival DMK that it had initiated the project.
Referring to DMK's allegations of delay in execution of the metro project, Jayalalithaa said only three per cent of the work was completed during 2007-11 by the DMK regime.
"Between 2007 and 2011, during the DMK regime, only three per cent of work was done. In the past four years, 73 per cent of the work was completed in my government and service between Alandur and Koyambedu is launched," she said in a statement here today.
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"It is a pure lie to say that the plan was devised and executed expeditiously during the DMK regime," she said.
Though DMK was an ally of the Congress, it could get the Centre's nod for the project only in 2009, she added.