After Janata Dal (United) or JD (U) broke its alliance with Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday, the game is afoot to become next Finance Minister of Bihar. Some of the senior cabinet colleagues of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar are now eyeing the portfolio. Kumar is expected to meet Governor D Y Patil late tonight to discuss on cabinet expansion.
Kumar on Sunday sacked all 11 BJP ministers, including his deputy Sushil Kumar Modi, from his cabinet following the JD (U)-BJP split. Modi also held finance portfolio in the NDA government in Bihar. After the ouster of BJP ministers from his cabinet, the CM is now looking after the more than 15 vacant portfolios. Therefore, a cabinet reshuffle looks imminent. These are several contenders of important departments such as Health, Road Construction and Cooperative, but most eyeballs are on the Finance portfolio.
Some of the most senior cabinet members also in the foray to be the next finance minister of the state, including Water Resources Minister Vijay Choudhary and Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh. However, according to some of the JD (U) leaders, Kumar may also keep this portfolio with himself or appoint a technocrat to head the department.
Water Resources Minister Vijay Choudhary is supposed to be leading the race as he is one of the most trusted and closest lieutenants of Kumar. Choudhary comes from a political family.