Congress president Rahul Gandhi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday sparred over jobs data on Twitter after Business Standard reported that unemployment rate rose to a 45-year high during 2017-2018. Calling it a "national disaster", Gandhi attacked Modi, saying he had promised two crore jobs, but five years later a "leaked job creation report card". Time for NoMo2Go," he tweeted with the hashtag 'HowsTheJobs'.
NoMo Jobs!
The Fuhrer promised us 2 Cr jobs a year. 5 years later, his leaked job creation report card reveals a National Disaster.
Unemployment is at its highest in 45 yrs.
The Fuhrer promised us 2 Cr jobs a year. 5 years later, his leaked job creation report card reveals a National Disaster.
Unemployment is at its highest in 45 yrs.