Gujarat Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, who turned 63 on Tuesday, met his mother Hiraben here to seek her blessings.
"This is one of life's great opportunities, a mother's blessings," Modi told media after meeting his 94-year-old mother.
He further thanked his supporters and followers across the nation for their greetings.
"I have faith that people's blessings won't go waste, it will give me strength to go on with my work."
Modi said September 17 also happens to be the day of the worship of Lord Viswakarma, the mechanic-god and this day signifies the day of the dignity of labour.
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"On 17th September our country celebrates Vishwakarma Day, today is the day for the dignity of labours. On this day, Sardar Patel liberated Hyderabad from the rule of Nizam's," he added.
BJP on Friday announced Modi as its prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 general elections.
The announcement came after a meeting of the party's parliamentary board in Delhi, which unanimously decided to project Modi as the prime ministerial candidate.
Modi assured his party workers and supporters that he would leave no stone unturned in ensuring that the BJP emerges victorious in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.
"With the blessings of the national leadership and love of the party workers, I am sure we will win," he added.