The Opposition Congress today upped the ante on the ruling Biju Janata Dal (BJD), accusing it of perpetrating a scam worth Rs 22,000 crore in allotment of rice meant for BPL (below poverty line) families.
"While the Centre is offering 35 kg of rice to each BPL family, the state government is giving only 25 kg. The government is causing loss of Rs 26,000 to each family. If we factor in 4.2 million BPL families in Odisha, this amounts to a scam worth Rs 22,000 crore," said Opposition chief whip Prasad Harichandan.
Food and civil supplies minister Pratap Keshari Deb refuted the Opposition's allegation, terming it politically motivated.
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"The Centre had identified 2.7 million BPL families for allocation of subsidised rice. But the state government has enhanced the coverage to 4.2 million families. This decision was taken in 2002," said Deb.
"The state government had to take the decision to cut rice allocation to bring more BPL families under the list of beneficiaries since the Centre did not heed the state's request to expand the BPL list. The state government is offering rice to the families at the rate of Rs 1 per kg as per the Cabinet decision. To cover 4.2 million BPL families, the state government has to arrange 8408 tonne of rice from its own pool and earmark around Rs 200 crore every year in the Budget. Other states like Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu are providing 20 kg of rice to each of the BPL families and are also managing the anomalies created by the Planning Commission," Deb said in his reply to an adjournment motion on the matter.
The minister's reply failed to pacify the Congress and BJP MLAs who staged a walkout from the house.