Ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, then Congress President Rahul Gandhi, whilst holding a roadshow in Lucknow on February 11, demonstrated uncharacteristic chutzpah, announcing the party would play on the ‘front foot’ in Uttar Pradesh, indicating an aggressive tenor during electioneering.
Rahul was accompanied by newly appointed Congress General Secretary in charge of Eastern UP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and her Western UP counterpart Jyotiraditya Scindia.
Even as the roadshow was aimed at re-energising party cadre and propelling the Congress as a vital stakeholder in the state’s politics, the election results soon put paid to such expectations.
Rahul was accompanied by newly appointed Congress General Secretary in charge of Eastern UP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and her Western UP counterpart Jyotiraditya Scindia.
Even as the roadshow was aimed at re-energising party cadre and propelling the Congress as a vital stakeholder in the state’s politics, the election results soon put paid to such expectations.