Rahul Gandhi took charge as the Congress party's president on Saturday and was handed the certificate for taking over in the presence of his mother Sonia Gandhi, who steps down from the post with her son's elevation, and former prime minister Manmohan Singh.
Now that Sonia Gandhi is handing over the reins of the party to Rahul, we salute her for uniting the leadership, something that she has been doing for 19 years, Singh said after Rahul's elevation, adding that Rahul brings a new sense of dedication and commitment (as party president). "I am sure the party will scale
Now that Sonia Gandhi is handing over the reins of the party to Rahul, we salute her for uniting the leadership, something that she has been doing for 19 years, Singh said after Rahul's elevation, adding that Rahul brings a new sense of dedication and commitment (as party president). "I am sure the party will scale