It is not customary for Congress President Sonia Gandhi to speak to the mediapersons in Parliament and on the rare occasions that she does, it is with a purpose. Sonia Gandhi said on Monday, as she emerged from the Lok Sabha sitting, said, "We are the single largest party and we have a pre-poll alliance. Hence, we are entitled to get the post of Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Lok Sabha."
Her view was reiterated by the party from its official podium with the party promising “to fight it out” and not ruling out any options, including moving court. The Congress on Monday upped the ante and went so far as to cast aspersions on the objectivity of the Speaker, Sumitra Mahajan, who takes the final call in the matter. “There is no doubt that the Speaker is acting on the behest of the government,” said spokesperson Anand Sharma.
Anand Sharma rejected the “hollow words” and the “fallacious arguments” of the BJP; “The government is trying to mislead people on the LoP issue. This shall be contested and fought. All options are open to us.”
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From verbal requests the party has now moved on to presenting a written memorandum to the Speaker signed by the 44 Congress MPs as well as pre-poll UPA allies justifying their demand for the LoP post in the Lok Sabha.
Outrightly rejecting the Parliamentary Rules being cited by the BJP government of ten per cent strength of members required, Sharma categorically stated, “The 1977 Law takes precedence over all rules.”
He accused the BJP of indulging in a ploy to keep out the LOP.
“By keeping out the LOP, they are trying to vitiate the whole process” Sharma said highlighting how integral the LOP was to the selection of the CVC, CBI, NHRC, CIC.”
Even the acts of 2003 governing the CVC and that of RTI act 2005 governing the Central Information Commissioner, define the Leader of Opposition and his role in the appointment of the CIC, argued a Congress leader.