The Tamil Nadu assembly on Thursday unanimously demanded setting up of the Cauvery Management Board (CMB) and Cauvery Water Regulatory Committee (CWRC) as ordered by the Supreme Court.
A resolution to this effect was passed unanimously in a special sitting of the assembly, hours after Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, who also holds the Finance portfolio, presented the state budget for 2018-19.
In its February 16 verdict, the Supreme Court, reducing Tamil Nadu's share in the Cauvery water to 177.25 thousand million cubic feet (TMC) against 192 TMC allocated by a tribunal in 2007, ordered the central government to set up the CMB and CWRC within six weeks.
Moving the resolution, Chief Minister K Palaniswami said the Central government has to set up the CMB and CWRC, and his government has been urging it be done soon.
DMK leader M K Stalin said if the Central government does not set up CMB and CWRC then all the Tamil Nadu legislators should resign.
He said his party is ready to ask its legislators to resign from the house but hoped that the Central government would not give space for such an action.