The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) said here today that the 84th 'kosi parikrama yatra' at Ayodhya would take place as per schedule and the Uttar Pradesh government would have to face dire consequences if it tried to obstruct it, a VHP spokesperson said.
Addressing a press conference here, VHP leader Venkatesh Abdeo said that they have condemned the Uttar Pradesh government's decision to ban the parikrama at Ayodhya.
"If anybody tries to obstruct it, they will face dire consequences. If the UP government tries to stop the yatra, then it will have to suffer for it," Abdeo said.
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He said the 'kosi parikrama yatra' would take place as per schedule from August 24, and there won't be any change in it.
"We condemn the Uttar Pradesh government's decision to ban the parikrama," he said, adding that Hindu seers and saints from across the country would participate in the 'parikrama'.
"Around 400 seers from Maharashtra will take part in the parikrama. The Maharashtra government must not fall prey to pressure from the Uttar Pradesh government. The parikrama will take place under any circumstances," he said.
Making a fresh demand, Abdeo said that the government must pass a legislation in the Parliament to build a temple to Lord Rama in Ayodhya.
"After the Allahabad High Court verdict in 2010, it has become clear that a temple to Lord Rama existed. So there should not be any further delay," he said.