Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan on late Wednesday night distanced himself from a YouTube video that gave an impression that he endorsed Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as the next Prime Minister of India.
The 70-year-old actor, who regularly tweets, posted on his Twitter account, "FAKE !! FAKE !! FAKE !!! APPALLED AND ANGERED BY THIS ILLEGAL ACT ON ME .. PUTTING IT UP NOW, DO READ AND SEE AND CONDEMN .. !!!" He is ,however, the brand ambassador of Gujarat and has done a series of ads for the state's tourism.
The actor wrote that someone had taken the voiceover he had provided for a video in 2007 and used it with a different set of images to create a clip where it seemed that he was endorsing Modi.
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The video was uploaded from a YouTube account named 'Jitega Bharat'.
He even posted the link of a 2007 video wherein he did a 'Lead India' campaign for the The Times of India , where we talked of the glorification of the country and India !
On Thursday morning, the actor's outrage was followed by a quick reaction from Modi, who tweeted: "Agree with @SrBachchan . The author of the fake video should take action immediately and apologise to Amitabh ji."
The video came up at a time when Modi is being seen as the BJP's prime ministerial candidate.