Bharat Dhawan, Partner Mazars, India has been elected as a global partner at the recently held annual meeting of the global partners of Mazars in London. Bharat has been a key player in integrating Mazars, India. In the process he has been closely involved in the practice management of the firm in India, the development of new service lines, the growth and development of existing service lines and in also attracting some of the best talent to lead specific industry verticals and business service areas for the firm in India.
Along with Bharat, Mazars International has co-opted 46 new partners and integrated four new countries: Algeria, Republic of Korea, Mauritius and Uruguay.
Such integration implies structural choices such as independence, sharing of profits and interests in investments and is implemented by consensus through a strong democratic and transparent process involving all global partners.
India has been recognised as one of the fastest growing countries within the Mazars International organization and Bharat’s appointment goes on to further validate Mazars’ commitment and long term strategic focus in the sustained growth and development of the firm in India.
Mazars is an international, integrated and independent organisation, specialising in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services. Mazars can rely on the skills of 12,000 professionals in the 55 countries which make up its integrated partnership.