Chemtech Foundation has announced Shipping, Marine & Ports World Expo 2010 in a glittering function well attended by the who’s who of the Shipping, Marine & Ports industry. The function also honoured and felicitated outstanding stalwarts of the maritime industries. H.E. Mr. S.C. Jamir, Honourable Governor of Maharashtra was the Chief Guest.
Welcoming the gathering, Mr. Jasu Shah, Chemtech Foundation said, “SMP World Expo 2010 would be a remarkable show under the guidance of dynamic persons like Mr. S. Hajara, CMD, SCI, Mr. K.R. Sachar, Chairman, World Maritime Technology Congress, Mr. M.V. Ramamurthy, President (Shipping), Reliance Industries Ltd. and Mr. Navpreet Singh, Jt. MD, Dolhpin Offshore.” He observed that prudent decisions taken during the current economic meltdown would actually spur further sustainable industrial growth and India would emerge stronger and more competitive globally.
Speaking at the occasion H.E. Mr. S.C. Jamir said he was confident that this International Exhibition and Conference would provide brilliant insights to Indian Shipping, Marine, Ports and logistics service providers and manufacturers and help them become globally competitive. He said that he was certain that it would competently bridge the gap between the technology providers and the users and meet with all the expectations of the industry.
Others who spoke at the function were Ms. Lakshmi Venkatachalam (IAS), DG Shipping, Mr. S.S. Hussain, Chairman, JNPT and Chairman, Indian Ports Association, and Mr. S. Hajara, CMD, SCI and Chairman, Indian National Ship Owners’ Association.
SMP World Expo 2010, is the second in its series from Chemtech Foundation which has been holding international trade expos for over 34 years in succession. The Maritime Expo would be held at the NSE Grounds at Goregaon, Mumbai from 3rd to 6th March 2010. Chemtech Foundation would also be holding OCEANTEX 2010, and Enertech 2010 concurrently at the same venue. The highly successful maritime event is expected to attract over 20,000 trade visitors from across India and different parts of the world. Around 20 international companies are expected to be a part of the maritime Expo. Over 250 companies and institutions directly or indirectly related to Shipping, Marine & the Ports and Infrastructure industry are participating in this mega event.
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Chemtech Foundation’s events have traditionally been supported not only by the industry’s leaders but also by the relevant ministries and government bodies. SMP World Expo 2010 has received the wholehearted support of the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India and International organizations and associations such as – Ports & Terminal Group (UK) , Society Of Maritime Industries (UK).
Domestically it is supported by The Bombay Customs House Agents’ Association (BCHAA), Institute of Marine Engineers -India (IME-I), Mumbai and Nhava Sheva Ship Agents Association (MANSA), Association of Multimodal Transport Operators of India (AMTOI), Indian National Ship Owners’ Association (INSA), The Maritime Association of Shipowners Shipmanagers and Agents (MASSA), Foreign Ship Owners and Managers’ Association (FOSMA), Society of Maritime Industries, and PTG amongst others.
SMP World Expo is lead and guided by over 100 of the top shipping and maritime leaders in the country as core Advisory Board members with Mr. S. Hajara, CMD, SCI as its Chairman.
One of the highlights of the Expo would be the Maritime Awards nite where high achievers of the industry would be honoured. Chemtech Foundation informed that the expo would feature presentations and discussions on topics covering Shipping, Shipbuilding, Innovations and modern technologies in maritime, Safety, Health and Environment, Port Infrastructure and Developments, and Containerisation.
About Chemtech Foundation
Chemtech Foundation has pioneered in conceiving and organizing International Exhibitions & Conferences since 1975 and has served the interests of various industries including Chemical, Pharma, Biotechnology, Power, Shipping, Marine, Ports, Oil & Gas, and Offshore.
Chemtech Foundation’s conferences and exhibitions have diversified into various sectors, many of them allied, to facilitate a synergy. The event’s rising popularity, the opportunity to network for partnerships, and the benefits that can accrue from delving deeper into the Indian market, have always attracted large number of delegates and visitors from across the globe.
Innovation has always been part and parcel of Chemtech Foundation’s functionality, and it has motivated others to incorporate cutting-edge methodologies and technologies as their fundamental business strategy. Chemtech has stood by the industry through ups and downs and has graciously witnessed as well as catalyzed the evolutionary trends for the better, both locally and globally.