Survey by apex industry body, Assocham, predicts an investment of Rs 4,500 cr over next three years
Education industry is one of the booming and the most evolving economic sectors in India. With over 1 million schools providing education from K-12 (kindergarten – Class 12) to over 200 million students, the government spending on the sector is expected to rise in the 11th five year plan.
According to the recent survey by ASSOCHAM, Private Equity (PE) and venture capitalists (VC) firms are likely to invest Rs 4,500 crore in the education sector over the next three years. The booming education sector in India has opened a wide playground for Private Equity (PE) and venture capitalists (VC). PE investment in the education sector has increased from $129 million in 2009 to $183 million in 2010.
Testament to the growth opportunities in the education sector is the recent investment of $ 15 million from Fidelity Growth partners India (FGPI) in Classteacher Learning Systems. Classteacher Learning Systems, a pioneer in educational content solutions in the country, is one of the leading entities to promote the new face of education. The investment will be used to further the company’s product portfolio and strengthen Classteacher’s role as an organization that combines technology and innovation as part of its commitment to education.