GAIL (India) Limited has been conferred “MoU Excellence Award” by the Department of Public Enterprises for the year 2008-09 in the Petroleum sector. Shri B. C. Tripathi, Chairman and Managing Director, received the award on behalf of GAIL from Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh in a function held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi today. Present on the occasion were Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh, Hon’ble Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Shri Arun Yadav, Minister of State for Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Dr. Nitish Sengupta, Chairman, BRPSE, and Shri Bhaskar Chatterjee, Secretary, DPE.
GAIL (India) Limited has grown into an integrated gas major that today has over 8000 Km of Natural Gas Pipelines, two Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Pipelines, of over 1900 Km; seven gas processing plants for production of LPG and other Liquid Hydrocarbons with a capacity of 1.4 Million Tons per Annum, a gas based integrated 410,000 TPA Petrochemical plant, and 26 domestic and 2 overseas E&P blocks. GAIL has also formed a wholly owned subsidiary- GAIL Gas Ltd, and 8 Joint Ventures for City Gas Distribution / CNG business. GAIL has a wholly owned subsidiary company namely GAIL Global (Singapore) Pte Ltd to conduct international operations.
GAIL started as a one-project, one-Product Company and today it has 19 Joint Ventures, Subsidiaries and Associate companies of which six are outside India’s borders.
Financially, the turnover and Profit After Tax during the last ten years have shown a compounded annual growth rate of 13 per cent and 14 per cent respectively. The Company recorded a Turnover of Rs. 24,996 crore and Profit After Tax of Rs. 3,140 crore in the year 2009-10.
Production showed improvement in all segments with Gas transmissions moving up from 83.29 to 106.74 MMSCMD, Liquid Hydrocarbon Production including LPG rose from 1401 MT Ts to 1440 TMTs and LPG Transmission saw an upswing from 2744 TMTs in the previous year to 3161 TMTs in the current year. Polymer Production however, saw a reduction moving down from 420 TMTs to 417 TMTs.
Five new pipeline projects are being executed and capacities of two existing pipelines are being augmented, which will add approximately 7500 Kms of pipeline to GAIL’s network. This is expected to increase the gas transmission capacity from 150 MMSCMD at present to around 300MMSCMD.
The Capacity of the Pata Petrochemicals Complex at UP is being doubled to 900,000 TPA in the next 3 years. GAIL is also in the process of setting up a 2,80,000 TPA Petrochemical Plant in Assam through its subsidiary- Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd and is also co-promoter in 1.1 MMTPA of ONGC Petro-additions Ltd (OPaL).