Gemini posts robust results with 43% EBITDA margin, 14% net margin on increased focus in services businesses
Revenues at Rs 80 crore; EBITDA at Rs 34 crore; PAT at Rs 11 crore
Performance Highlights
Gemini Group (consolidated)
For three months ended June 30, 2011
• Total Income at Rs 80 crore. Up 14% YoY.
Also Read
• EBITDA at Rs 34 crore. YoY growth of 20%.
• PAT at Rs 11 crore. YoY growth of 15%.
• EBITDA Margin at 43%.
• Earnings Per Share at Rs 1.04
Said Group Chairman Vijay Kumar, “The Q1 numbers reflect a conscious and concerted effort to focus on projects and businesses that result in higher margin. There has been an increase in our services business and an expansion in our services portfolio. We have a very strong order book position of Rs 345 crore. We are in the process of commencing trials of PointRed’s range of 4G / LTE products with Indian Telecom operators shortly and hope to make significant breakthroughs in this space.”
Business Performance and Outlook
Pointred Telecom
• Pointlite range of 4G/LTE range of products are to be commercially available by Q3FY12; Pointred is going to start trials with Indian operators in Q3FY12.
• Pointred signed a 20 million USD 4G contract with an African operator.
• Pointred was selected for Wimax roll out in Srilanka.
• Pointred signed a wireless back haul contract with a leading operator in India.
• Pointred’s order book exceeds Rs 200 crore.
System Integration (SI)
• The Consulting & Services Group (CSG) which focuses on IT infrastructure planning, design, implementation, management & services secured orders from top companies & institutions for deployment of Application performance enhancement for banking, Enterprise wide IT operations maintenance, Security Audits & consulting.
• Gemini SI won the coveted Solution Champ Award for Unified Communication Solution in the DQChannels Solution Provider Summit.
• Bennett, Coleman that owns The Times of India, is one of the largest IT users in the country. In order to manage & maintain their critical IT operations that govern the newspaper publication on a daily basis, they chose Gemini as their implementation partner.
Telecom Services Group (TSG)
• Gemini TSG had been awarded a contract from a leading telecom equipment manufacturer for maintaining 750+ BTS in Jharkhand. The managed services for active network maintenance started in June 2011.
• Gemini TSG had been awarded the contract for the maintenance of 3000+ leased line circuits for a leading banking and financial institution, which will be serviced through its recently acquired company, Computer Access Private Ltd, over a two-year period.
• Gemini TSG partnered with M/s Aspiration Energy Pvt limited, to form a Joint venture company, M/sTelesolar Solutions Pvt Ltd, to provide complete energy solutions for telecom towers. Telesolar Soutions had started implementing energy solutions for telecom towers in Bihar and is targeting to energize 100 towers by July 2011 and will maintain the same for a period of 10 years.
Morse Communication
• Morse Communication launched services in Mozambique in July 2011 and will launch in Zambia and Malawi in September 2011.
Gemini Traze
• Gemini Traze is providing complete RFID solutions in compliance with the requirements of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission for identification of solar modules using RFID system. The company has currently signed up with a number of solar project developers for offering the solution.
Energy & Utilities
• Gemini has secured financial closure for its 1 MW solar project in Tamil Nadu and has started commissioning of the plant. It is expected to be connected to the grid by end of September 2011.