Intertek India organized a 3 day training program on Risk Based Inspection in Mumbai from 5th – 7th May 2011. The training course, aimed at technical managers, engineers, and safety, maintenance, operations, and inspection superintendents who are involved with the technical integrity and safety of pressure equipment, was attended by executives from some of the leading names in the Indian corporate namely ONGC (Oil and Natural Gas Corporation), CAIRN Energy and IOC (Indian Oil Corporation).
Presided over by Mr. Stephen A. Anderson; MSc. Materials Science, is CEO and a Senior Materials Scientist with over 20 years of industrial experience in Refineries, Petrochemical Plants and Oil companies in the USA, Canada, and South Africa and several other industry experts, the training was a big success with the companies rating it as high as 4 stars out of 5 and a commitment to again enroll when so ever the training is held.