Delhi Daredevils has launched its new official song titled ‘Munday Dilli Ke’ to herald the coming season of DLF India Premier League. The song, sung by Jaspreet Jasz and composed by Arijit Datta and Micu Patel, has already pumped up the excitement among the team’s fans. After the song was launched on Delhi Daredevils’ Radio Partner Fever 104 FM on Monday evening, Delhi Daredevils fans have welcomed the new song whole-heartedly. Fans have used the Delhi Daredevils Facebook page and Twitter handle to express their delight at the lively new song.
“Yes, this is the one to win the crowd, come on DD,” wrote Meenu Tharoor on the FB wall, reflecting the overwhelming support for the new song. On Twitter, the sentiment for the song was summed by Foram Gosrani (@ForamG15) who tweeted “Humming since morning "Hai munde dilli ke, haan khele front foot pe"!@DelhiDaredevils superr tune! Can't get it out of my mind!”
GMR Sports Head (Marketing) Hemant Dua said the new song is in keeping with the vibrant feel that the squad has with players skipper Virender Sehwag, vice-captain Mahela Jayawardene, Kevin Pietersen, David Warner, Ross Taylor and Irfan Pathan. “The song will appeal to anyone who listens to it,” he said.
“The theme for the song is in keeping with our Dare to Succeed philosophy and a clarion call to all Delhi Daredevils supports to come out and play on the frontfoot,” he said. “More importantly, this was commissioned in response to a demand from our supporters to revamp the song.”
Arjit Datta said it was a wonderful experience putting the song together for the Delhi Daredevils. “Micu and I loved doing it. It was pure magic and the manner in which the song has panned out made us realise that we were sitting on something big. The song has an urban, in your face, touch to it, with the dhol adding a Punjabi flavor.”
Jaspreet Jaz – who calls himself a Dilli ka munda at heart and has sung in Telugu and Hindi movies – said he loved singing the new official song of the Delhi Daredevils. “I have followed the response to the song and feel humbled by the overwhelming show of support already,” he said.