Consistent with its higher volume of operations, Power Finance Corporation’s ‘Profit After Tax’ (PAT) is up 91% to touch Rs.1193 crore for the half-year ended September, 09 as against Rs.626 crore recorded in the same period last FY. Income from Operations rose 29% to reach a figure of Rs.3894 crore as against Rs.3024 crore of H1 FY09. While ‘Net Loan Assets’ increased 19% from Rs.57877 crore to Rs.68661 crore, Networth is up 29% from Rs.9270 crore to Rs.11920 crore, during this period. Net NPAs, as a % Loan Assets, have been consistently maintained at 0.01%.
While sanctions rose 20% from Rs.28984 crore to Rs.34828 crore, Earning Per Share (EPS) has also gone up 91% from Rs.5.45 to Rs.10.39 during this period.
The major projects sanctioned during H1 FY10 include:
- Rs.7046 crore to Yermarus TPS, Karnataka (2x800 MW);
- Rs.3747 crore to Nabinagar TPP (1000 MW) in Bihar;
- Rs.3637 crore to Pragati Power CCPP Phase-III (1371 MW) in Delhi;
- Rs.2223 crore to Palatana CCGT (726.6 MW) in Tripura;
- Rs.1863 crore to Shahpurkandi HEP (4x40 MW + 1x8 MW) in Punjab;
- Rs.1640 crore to Srikakulam TPP (1320 MW) in Andhra Pradesh
- Rs.1416 crore to Palatana-Bongaigaon TRS line (400 KV D/C).
Introduction of New Financial Products:
PFC has introduced a new financial product, i.e. ‘loan towards promoters equity’, enabling promoters to leverage existing operations and speed up capacity addition. It has sanctioned the first loan of Rs.100 Crore to APGENCO under this new product.
Financial assistance to Projects in the area of ‘Equipment Manufacturing’ for Power Sector is at an advanced stage of consideration.
Sanctions under “Restructured APDRP”
PFC is designated as the ‘Nodal Agency’ for Government of India’s flagship programme “R-APDRP”. PFC has so far sanctioned Rs.2237 Crore under this programme covering 530 towns in 20 distribution utilities in 14 states. A disbursement of Rs.374 Crore has been made so far under R-APDRP.