It is hereby notified for general information of all concerned that the principal amount of the captioned bond series is repayable at par on December 16, 2011. Accordingly, interest on these bonds will accrue upto December 15, 2011. Book closure of the 61st Series will be observed with effect from November 16, 2011 and hence request for transfer will be entertained upto that date only.
Investors holding the bonds in the form of Promissory Notes (PNs) may tender the same duly discharged at the concerned branch of IDBI Bank Ltd. where they were last enfaced, by November 21, 2011 to facilitate repayment in time.
Bondholders, having investment in the form of ‘Entry-in-Account’ with IDBI Bank, should furnish a receipt in the prescribed form (Form XIV) for the principal amount, along with the relevant Certificate of Holding to Investor Services of India Ltd, (ISIL), IDBI Building, 2nd floor, ‘A’ Wing, Sector 11, Plot No.39, 40 & 41, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400 614 (Telephone No.022 2757 9636-40), by November 25, 2011, for obtaining the repayment in time.
In case the bonds are held in Demat form (ISIN: INE008A09240), bondholders need not furnish any document. The bonds will automatically be debited from the respective Client ID/DPID through NSDL/CDSL and redemption proceeds will be sent/remitted to the investors. Bondholders are requested to update their address and bank details, if necessary, with their Depository Participants.