The Rs.10,000 crore RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group, which is currently spearheading 1200 MW thermal generation capacity in Maharashtra and West Bengal, is ready to add its first 9 MW solar power project at Kutch district of Gujarat.
The project is being implemented through ICML (Integrated Coal Mining Ltd.), an RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group company in the power vertical spearheaded by CESC Ltd.
According to the Company sources, the plant at Kutch is based on the most advanced and proven photovoltaic (PV) technology incorporating a combination of crystalline – silicon and thin-film solar modules. Power from this project is being evacuated at 66 kV level. The transmission line from the project to the nearest sub-station was built by the state owned Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd (GETCO).
The 9 MW power station set up at an estimated cost of Rs.110 crore was formally inaugurated on 19th April, 2012 by the Hon’ble Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi at a function in Charanka Solar Park, Patan district, Gujarat. The solar power from this station will be purchased by the state run Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd (GUVNL) through a long term power purchase agreement.
According to Mr Sanjiv Goenka, “This is RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group’s first step into the renewable energy space and future plans involve setting up of both wind based and solar power units in Western India. Besides, Hydel projects in North – East are also being pursued.”
Currently, the RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group, apart from its presence in Greater Noida (UP) area for distribution of power, through its flagship Company, CESC Limited has been serving the twin city of Kolkata and Howrah, which has generation capacity of 1225 MW. This is expected to go up to 7000 MW in the next six years, at an estimated investment of Rs.35,000 crore.