Sea TV Network Limited, Agra-based company engaged in providing services of a Multi System Operator (MSO) to various Local Cable TV operators of Agra city, has received Sebi nod for its proposed IPO of Rs 5020 lakh. Chartered Capital and Investment Limited is the Book Running Lead Manager to the Issue and Link Intime India Pvt Ltd is the Registrar to the Issue. The Equity shares are proposed to be listed on BSE, the designated stock exchange.
The promoters of Sea TV are in this line of activity since about 16 years and are well conversant with the Cable TV industry. Sea TV is one of the three existing MSOs in Agra City and it also has its own local channels, programmes of which are produced by its own production team. These local channels mainly focus on Agra city/U.P State news/events and information, which is more relevant to the city viewers. These channels are broadcasted free of charge to the TV subscribers of Sea TV.
The Company’s total income for the year ended 31st March 2010 was Rs 946.25 lakh and profit after tax was Rs 150.52 lakh as compared with total income of Rs 796.34 lakh and PAT of Rs 102.17 lakh for the previous year.
About Sea TV Network Limited:
Sea TV Network Ltd. is an Agra (U.P) based company engaged in providing services of a Multi System Operator (MSO) to various Local Cable TV operators of Agra city. It is worth mentioning here that it does not require the assistance of any external agency for news production and broadcasting. Many programmes are telecast "Live" on this channel. Through these programmes the local populace can ask their questions on line and get the answers from the experts participating in the show.
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India has given its permission for up-linking news and current affairs TV. channel “Sea News” in Hindi, English and all other Indian languages (in digital mode) through the teleport of M/s Noida Software Technology Park Limited, Noida using INSAT 4A satellite for a period of 10 years vide office memorandum dated 11th November.2009. The Ministry has also given its permission for down-linking into India a news and current affairs TV channel “Sea News” in Hindi, English and all other Indian languages (in digital modhanne) through the teleport of M/s Noida Software Technology Park Limited, Noida using INSAT 4A satellite for a period of 5 years.