Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd, a leading content provider and aggregator in the Indian Digital space, recently inaugurated its new office at Delhi NCR. Shemaroo already has three offices in Mumbai and an office in UK as well. As the company is working with all the major telecom operators in India and with most of them having their head office located in Delhi, an office in Delhi was a strategic target market for the company. A fine infrastructure and a dedicated team in the new set up will help Shemaroo to co-ordinate closely with the telecom operators and strengthen its positioning in North Belt.
The Delhi office will be headed by Mr. Kapil Gupta, designated as Head – Product Innovations who, along with his team, would be responsible for conceptualising and integrating new service products for Shemaroo. Furthermore, Mr. Kapil Gupta would also help set up and drive a local business team who would be responsible for client servicing & business operations.
Jai Maroo, Director, Shemaroo Entertainment, shares his thoughts on the occasion “Delhi NCR is cradle to India’s telecom VAS industry and with Shemaroo amidst a transition phase from a pure media content house to a service driven company, presence in Delhi was inevitable. With our new set up in the city we aim to cater to all North India telecom players and other business clients.”