>Mumbai, December 20, 2011: Leading Indian Technology Solutions Company, Sonata Software Ltd, has announced that the World Economic Forum has selected Sonata Software to join the Community of Global Growth Companies. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
“Sonata Software was the natural choice for membership in our Community of Global Growth Companies (GGC), as it is a highly reputed technology solutions and services company with a global presence and has solid growth potential”, said Jeremy Jurgens, Senior Director, Head of Membership, Community of Global Growth Companies of the World Economic Forum. “As of November 2011, 333 companies from over 60 countries had been admitted to the GGC Community. We are extremely pleased to invite Sonata to join this exclusive Community”, says Jurgens.
GGC was formed in 2007 to engage dynamic high-growth companies with the potential to be tomorrow’s industry leaders and to become a driving force of economic and social change. Membership in GGC, apart from a lot of privileges, offers a unique opportunity for interaction and the exchange of expertise with the Community’s other Members, including Strategic and Industry Partners, Foundation Members, Technology Pioneers, Young Global Leaders, Media Leaders, cultural and spiritual leaders and public figures.
“It is a great honour for Sonata to be invited to join the GGC Community. I have always admired the World Economic Forum for its impact on global geo-politics and industry. Being a member of a community that includes the world’s fastest-growing corporations is an endorsement of our growth plans”, said Sanjay Viswanathan, CEO of Sonata Software. “Membership in the GGC would help Sonata explore new opportunities across industries and regions, establish relationships with the world’s leading businesses and policy experts, have peer-to-peer collaboration, and contribute to industry-specific and cross-industry technology solutions and best practices”, he added.