Manoj Rastogi and Pramod Sharma, who produced the film in making for 10 years, alleged that Sharman was defaming the movie after he reportedly accused that they were trying to benefit from the attention around his recent release 'Ferrari Ki Sawaari' to pull their long-pending project out of cans.
"Sharman should not have made such remarks. It is very unfortunate," Rastogi told PTI.
"Has Sharman not been paid? How can he level such allegations against us and the film," Rastogi said, describing Sharman as a talented actor who should understand realities of Bollywood.
The film is slated for release on July 6, Rastogi said.
"We are the producers and Sharman cannot question us as to why we are releasing the film so late. A long-pending film is not a medicine that comes with an expiry date," Rastogi said.
Sharman had reportedly said that the producers of '3 Bachelors' were trying to piggyback on the success of 'Ferrari Ki Sawaari' to promote their film.
The actor was unavailable for comment.