Set a thousand years into the future, the movie features real-life father-son duo Will and Jaden Smith as Cypher and Kitai Raige who crash land on planet Earth which has been abandoned by mankind.
Will is injured in the crash and estranged Jaden has to travel alone through this world to survive and try and save his father.
Isabelle Fuhrman and Zoe Kravitz will also be seen playing key roles in the movie. The movie is slated for release mid-next year.
The trailer was made available across the mobile platform by Vuclip, independent mobile video and media company, and can be viewed on any internet-enabled mobile phone.
"More than 14 million users of Vuclip in India again got the first opportunity to watch the mobile theatrical trailer of 'After Earth' exclusively on Vuclip. We are excited to see mobile marketing becoming more and more integral even for Hollywood movies in India," said Nikhil Naik, Director, India Business, Vuclip.
Vuclip had earlier done a similar mobile promotion with exclusive first rights for James Bond movie 'Skyfall'.