Kerala Home Minister Thiruvanchur Radhakrishnan told PTI that "Kerala Police would take care of further proceedings in cooperation with their Karnataka counterparts."
According to police sources here, Devidner was arrested by Karnataka Police at Tavarkar near Bangalore last night, on a tip off from some persons who had seen the burglar's images published by Kerala Police.
Devidner was first spotted in Krishnagiri district in Tamil Nadu but gave a slip to the police and headed in the direction of Bangalore in a taxi car after abandoning the stolen car.
Kerala Police had been in constant touch with their Karnataka and Tamil Nadu counterparts and the thief landed in police net on account of their co-ordinated efforts, sources said.
Wanted in connection with scores of cases acorss the country, Devinder broke into the house of an affluent NRI here on January 21 and drove off in a luxury car parked outside the house.
He gained entry to the house by breaking its hitech security systems like surveillance camera and intruder warning alarm.