"I know some conspire to spread canards to denigrate women. I have always said that if an incident happens the police should take strong action. But please don't insult Bengal motherhood with mere fabricated incidents," Banerjee told a Kolkata Police function at the Netaji Indoor stadium here.
She, however, did not identify the forces behind such fabricated incidents.
Stating that Bengal was civilised and cultured, she said she was tired of various interpretations of murders, rape and fires on news channels all day.
"I don't like negative. I am positive. I think negative should be turned into positive," she said.
Banerjee, who holds the home portfolio, admitted that activities of some policemen made people unhappy. "I have to change their attitude. I feel that the police force should be strong, pro-people and humane. There are also good people in the police.
"Policemen are also human beings and we should also look at their service in times of riots and natural disasters, she added."