The girl, a first year student of Nazrul Satabarsha Polytechnic College at Rupnarayanpur in Asansol, was taken to the birthday party on Wednesday evening in the union office by another girl student and given mango juice mixed with drugs to drink after which she went into a daze, Durgapur-Asansol Assistant Commissioner of Police (West) Subrata Gangopadhay said.
According to the police complaint by the girl, she was thereafter allegedly gangraped and photographed with mobile phones by three students, Gangopadhay said.
After her ordeal, two students took her on a motorcycle and left her outside her home at Chittaranjan where they warned her father, an employee at the Chittaranjan Railway Hospital, not to go to the police or the photographs taken of his daughter would be circulated, he said.
The girl was admitted to the Chittaranjan Hospital by her father on Wednesday night and after she recovered filed a complaint with the police yesterday, the ACP said.
A medical test was conducted on the girl, who also recorded her statement before a court at Durgapur.
The police were looking for four students, including the girl student and a security guard, all of whom were absconding, he said.
The principal of the college, Rituparna Basu said that a committee, comprising four teacher, has been set up which was inquiring into the incident.