BJP member Avinash Rai Khanna said while traffic policemen in the Nordic country would not care for VIP status of any minister and issue challan, those in India develop cold feet while dealing with VIPs.
Khanna said when he had visited Norway recently, he was told that a minister there was penalised by a traffic policeman for violation of traffic rules and he was forced to go to Parliament there on his bicycle as his licence was cancelled for three years.
"But, can a traffic police take such action in India?" he asked and referred to views of some traffic policemen in Hoshiarpur in Punjab, who said they have identified people who flagged their VIP status and the men in khaki could do nothing.
Another BJP member Thawar Chand Gehlot pointed out a TV advertisement of a minister shouting at a traffic policeman who dared to stop his vehicle as he was not wearing a particular brand of vest.
Gehlot said such advertisements have negative impact.
To this Road Transport Minister C P Joshi clarified that his ministry had nothing to do with such advertisements.