"Bokaro Deputy Commissioner Sunil Kumar invited me to celebrate Independence Day, and honoured me with a memento," the player, who was one of the architects of country's victory in the final of the first Women's World Cup Kabaddi Championship, said over phone.
She also said a private firm called her up and enquired about her bio-data.
"So far no government functionary has directly called me," she said when asked whether anyone approached her after Chief Minister Arjun Munda reportedly issued directions to get her details.
The 23-year-old, who hails from Bokaro, had yesterday said she looked up to the Jharkhand government to provide her a job so that she could make a decent living.
She was one of the members of the Indian team that won the World Cup after defeating Iran 25-19 in the final played in Patna on March 4 this year.