"BJP wants to ask the CBI when action will be taken against Shriprakash Jaiswal and Subodh Kant Sahay...We also want to ask the CBI when it would initiate police action against accused Rajendra and Vijay Darda and other family members," Somaiah said.
The former BJP MP said he will be travelling to Kanpur tomorrow to release documents pertaining to a company allotted coal blocks in which allegations have come up against Union Minister Sriprakash Jaiswal.
"Next week, I will release more documents against a company involved in another coal block allocation in which Union Minister Subodh Kant Sahay's name has cropped up," Somaiah said.
Jaiswal and Sahay have denied the allegations against them.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra Minister Rajendra Darda, who is under pressure to quit his post after the CBI filed an FIR against him in the coal block allotment scam, today said he no longer has any relation with the company booked by CBI.
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"I had purchased the company's shares worth Rs one lakh in 2006 and returned them in 2008, hence I have no relation with that company," Rajendra, younger brother of Congress MP Vijay Darda, also an accused in the case, told reporters in Mumbai.
Among the five companies named in the FIR registered yesterday by the central probe agency is JLD Yavatmal, which is said to have links to the Darda family.
CBI had yesterday carried out raids in 30 locations across the country after filing cases against five companies for alleged criminal conspiracy to get coal blocks by fudging their net worth figures and misrepresentation of facts.