As many as 1.80 lakh accounts have been opened under 'Sukanya Samridhi Scheme' in less than two months of launch of the special programme for girl child, with the maximum number of accounts in Karnataka and the least in Bihar.
On January 22, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched a small deposit scheme for girl child, as part of the 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao' campaign. The deposits would fetch an interest rate of 9.1 per cent and provide income tax rebate as well.
As per data available with the Finance Ministry, 56,471 accounts have been opened in Karnataka, followed by 43,362 accounts in Tamil Nadu and 15,877 accounts in Andhra Pradesh.
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However, Bihar accounted for the least number of accounts opened at just 204, followed by Kerala 222 and West Bengal 334, the data showed.
National Capital Delhi saw 2,054 accounts being opened, 4,177 accounts in Haryana while 7,620 accounts have been opened in Uttar Pradesh.
As per the details of the scheme, 'Sukanya Samridhi Account' can be opened at any time from the birth of a girl child till she attains the age of 10 years, with a minimum deposit of Rs 1,000. A maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh can be deposited during the financial year.
The account can be opened in any post office or authorised branches of commercial banks.
The account will remain operative for 21 years from the date of opening of the account or marriage of the girl child after attaining 18 years of age.
To meet the requirement of higher education expenses, partial withdrawal of 50 per cent of the balance would be allowed after the girl child has attended 18 years of age.