Mocking the 'suit-boot ki sarkar' jibe of the Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi, the Shiv Sena today said such a government is better then a "suitcase one" and stressed that even 100 Rahul Gandhis cannot match Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "mega wave".
The Sena said that while Rahul Gandhi had started moving and speaking after his sabbatical, he cannot match Modi.
"Rahul Gandhi has started moving and speaking after his 56-day sabbatical which has restored confidence among Congress workers. However, the question is how long this renewed energy will last before mega wave of Narendra Modi," the Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' said in an editorial.
Referring to the 'Coalgate' and the 2G spectrum scams, the Sena alleged that suitcases filled with cash used to exchange hands during the Congress rule.
"Modi is absolutely right when he says that 'suit-boot government' is much better than a 'suitcase government,'" it said.