The Delhi Police has filed a supplementary charge sheet against top Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) bomb expert Abdul Karim Tunda in connection with the 1997 Sadar Bazar blasts case in which several persons were injured.
The supplementary charge sheet was filed in the court of Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Amit Bansal who today took cognisance of the final report in which Tunda has been charged for offences under sections 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon), 307 (attempt to murder) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC.
In the charge sheet, the special cell said Tunda was part of the conspiracy which led to two bomb blasts, one in Sadar Bazar and other in Qutab Road here, on October 1, 1997 in which several people were injured.
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It said that during investigation, two other accused, Mohd Shakeel alias Hamza and Mohd Amir, were arrested and they had disclosed that the bomb blasts were carried out at the behest of Tunda.
However, Shakeel was discharged by the court on April 17, 1999 while Amir was acquitted in the case on April 26, 2001.
The police, in its charge sheet, claimed that 72-year-old Tunda was interrogated after his arrest and he had told the investigators that he was involved in the conspiracy which led to these two blasts.
Tunda is presently in judicial custody in connection with various cases lodged against him.
Tunda, one of the 20 terrorists India had asked Pakistan to hand over after the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, was arrested from Indo-Nepal border on August 16 this year and he is suspected to be involved in 40 bombings in the country.