Two Lok Sabha members have been unanimously elected to two standing committees of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), an international organisation of Parliaments.
Led by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, the Indian parliamentary delegation, attending the 132nd Assembly of IPU being held in Hanoi in Vietnam, proposed the names of Raj Kumar Singh and Nagendra Singh for the Standing Committee on Peace and International Security and the Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade, respectively.
"On the first day, the delegation attended the meeting of the Asia Pacific Geo Political Group of IPU in which India is a member. During the meeting the Speaker proposed the nominations for the vacancies in some crucial committees to be filled during the 132nd Assembly of IPU," an official statement said.
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The candidatures of R K Singh on the Bureau of the First Standing Committee of IPU on Peace and International Security and Nagendra Singh on the Bureau of the Second Standing Committee of IPU on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade was proposed, the statement said.
"Subsequently, R K Singh and Nagendra Singh from the India Group of IPU got elected unanimously," the statement said.
The Union is the focal point for world-wide parliamentary dialogue and works for peace and cooperation among people and for the firm establishment of representative democracy.
The two members will serve on the two important committees for a period of four years up to 2018 and will be contributing in shaping the agenda and functioning of the Committees.
"This is for the first time, during India's fruitful participation in the IPU Statutory Assemblies, that two of its MPs have been elected unopposed to the Beureaux of two Standing Committees at one active IPU Assembly," the statement said.
Both the elected members thanked the Speaker and promised to take active parts in the Committees.